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45 E. Waterloo Street

Council Chambers

Saturday 12:00p - 11:00p

Sunday 10:30a - 11:00p

Monday 10:30a - 6:00p

Eyes of Freedom Memorial

Between May and August of 2005, twenty-two Marines and one Navy Corpsman of Lima Company, 3rd Battalion, 25th Regiment, died in service to their country while deployed in Iraq.  Though the Marine Reserve Unit was mostly from Ohio, these fallen heroes represent 7 states, from Alaska to the East Coast.

The panels in this Memorial specifically depict the fallen twenty-two Marines and one Navy Corpsman from L3/25.  Behind them stand the thousands of men and women who have served, fought and died for their country, in every branch of the armed forces.  In addition to the KIA, the entire company is listed on the backs of the panels because every member was willing and prepared to offer the ultimate sacrifice for his country; they were a family.

More information on the memorial can be found on the Lima Company Memorial website.

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